Saturday, April 20, 2024

Korea 2024 - Day 7: My Birthday with Buddha

So, I decided to take it easy for my birthday.  It was already a chilly, rainy day and I was exhausted from the 14 hour tour from the previous day. I hadn't spent any quality time at a temple since I'd been here, I decided that was what I needed to do for my birthday.  I woke up after a full 8 hours of sleep and lazed around the room for a bit.  Did a bit of pre-packing as I had a 3 day trip to Busan for the day after.  I also went online to research and try to decide which temple to visit, and decided onn Jogysea Temple.  

After I was done being lazy, I got myself ready and headed out.  The subway trip was short and I found an underground mall at my destination...and made a mental bookmark to check it out on the way back.  It was raining pretty steadily when I exited the subway and the breeze started to pick up a bit too.  Still, it was a short walk and not difficult.  There were tons of shops along the way selling Buddha statues, prayer beads, insense and other religious bits and bobs.  I decided to possibly pay a bit more and buy at the temple.  Which was pretty easily recognizable from the street.

This is all set up for Buddha's birthday, which is coming up next month.  The more I saw of the preparations, the more of an almost Christmas vibe I started to get.
There were inflatable outdoor decorations everywhere.  Most of them pretty cute too.

First thing I did after coming through the gate is to stop at the shop.  Finally got a set of prayer beads at a temple!  Also some postcards, buttons, and incense.  And I got a discount for using my backpack to haul it away, instead of a bag from the shop.
Again, lanterns were everywhere.  So many, that sometimes the view of the temple itself was obscured.  Still...we have many Buddha to see...

Not long after I arrived, I figured out that it was time for the evening prayers.  First, a monk comes out and begins beating this enormous drum.  I managed to get a Short video of the drumming.  After that, he rings a huge bell to call everyone to prayer.  I decided to join in, despite not being able to take part in the prostrations.  I was still stiff and sore from all of the mountain climbing and hiking from the day before.  I did stay for about an hour, listening to the chanting and meditating.  It was a lovely experience.  

Right before the prayers, I bumped into a group from the US.  After exchanging the usual "where are you from?" questions, I was asked if I believed in Buddhism.  I found that question interesting.  Admitting that you believe in Buddhism, actually isn't asking if you are a Buddhist and it's not quite the right question.  I interpreted the question the way I wanted (Do you believe in the teachings of Buddha?) and replied to the affirmative.  This shocked them a little and it soon became clear that they were the Evangelical sort of Christians as they then purposely mentioned God a few times.  I decided not to engage, and extricated myself as prayers were beginning. 

Afterwards, I went out to put my shoes back on (they were still there despite the warnings of shoe thieves) and wandered around the outside of the temple to shoot some photos of the paintings and carvings.  

Around this time, it was beginnng to get dark and the lanterns lit up.  Another close to Christmas vibe. 

This was as good of a view of the front of the temple as I could get.  I loved the decorations, but it did block the photo opportunities.

Also, photographs were not allowed inside, so I managed to capture a couple of the huge golden Buddha statues through the windows at the front. 

The front gate was much more impressive at night.  These are the 4 Heavenly Kings, which seem to appear in front of all Buddhist temples.

And the front is even prettier at nigh with the decorations lit up.

This birth of Buddha is giving serious nativity I right?

I then headed back to the subway and found most of the mall was shut down for the night (it was around 7pm by then) and anything open wasn't Donna friendly :).

At the subway exit at my destination, I stopped in a little pastry shop and got a strawberry tart to celebrate.  Thus concluded my 59th birthday celebrations.

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