Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Korea 2024 - Day 11: Back to Seoul

This is gonna be a quick one as it was a travel/relax day.  Got up early, finished packing, checked out of the hotel, got on the subway, and arrived at the train station much earlier than I really needed to.  Was the first one to board my car.  

I tried to work on this blog, but between the guy in the seat next to me and the kids playing with the reclining function of the seat in front of me, I just did not have enough room.  So I slept.  Or tried to, but guy next to me was coughing non-stop and did not bother to put on a mask.   I'm going to settle on that he was being very rude as it's commonplace here to mask up if you are coughing incessantly.  I think he got a clue and moved to another seat one stop before our destination.

Got back to the hotel without incident, checked in and got my suitcase from storage.  I'm on a different floor this time and the room layout is different.  I'm liking it a bit better, I think.

The view is better anyway.  I busted out the sojou that had been waiting for me in my suitcase here in Seoul, and started laundry.  

Just FYI, the dryer function on Korean washer/dryers is kind of a suggestion of drying.  The clothes will come out damp and warm.  It seems the machine tries to spin all of the water out of the clothes with some heat applied, but no warm air.  

My dinner was some scorched rice porridge with chicken, a pre-packaged microwave meal I had purchased earlier and had not yet tried.  It was pretty good for a meal in a bag.  I need to go to the grocery store to pick up a few things.  I have no milk for my coffee or breakfast stuff.

Anyway, that was my boring day.  I'm thinking markets and pottery shops tomorrow. 

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