Sunday, April 14, 2013

Off to a Rough Start

Again, i am reminded why I am not overly fond of netbook keyboards.  Did I ever mention that I have really large hands for a girl.  Makes this a big ole pain.

Flight to Washington Dulles from Roanoke was like being in the spin cycle.  If I was at all prone to motion sickness, this was the day I'd find out.  I swear my ass left the seat at least 10 times and I was glad it was a mostly empty flight and I had the row to myself or two of us would be sporting bruises. My friend Harry would have cried like a little girl.

Washington Dulles airport does have free WiFi...but untrustworthy free WiFi.  Not that unsecured WiFi is ever safe...but this would not connect my virtual VPN.  I don't use the Internet without protection, I am a safety girl.

I'm leaving from the same terminal as last year and I had dinner at the same restaurant  too.  Same Yuengling lager...LOL.   However, no friendly couple to share a table with, so it was quiet.  Air travel seems pretty quiet in general today.  The crazy airplane wasn't even half full...and the airport is not as busy as I usually see it.

I'm hoping for a quiet flight over the ocean.  I have a new travel pillow and I upgraded to Economy Plus for the leg room.  I'll let you know how much of a difference it can't be worse!  I think we also have some good movies this time...

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