Sunday, April 14, 2013

So Far, So Good...I Arrive in Amsterdam

I am exhausted, but here.  I barely slept on the plane, but that is normal for me.  I got maybe three hours of sleep in the last two days.  Or is it two days, I really don't know.

I will tell you that the extra 5" of leg room in an economy plus seat does make all the difference in the world. I did not arrive feeling like a pretzel.  I am so glad that I am not flying back through Frankfurt...did I mention I hate that airport.  I think it's worse than Atlanta.

I made it to Amsterdam with no problems.  This place is another architectural treasure trove, so be prepared for some awesome photos.

Got my card for public transport with no a little lost in Central Station, but finally found the trolley to my neighborhood.  I found the apartment without TOO much trouble...but that's where the trouble began.  OMG...the stairs!  I knew it was a 4th floor walk-up but these stairs are a freaking nightmare! Narrow and spiral and steep...oh MY!!

I don't know how Marike (the property owner) managed to grab my suitcase away from me and haul it up the last flight with a baby on her hip...but she did it!  She showed me around and I will post photos soon from my private roof-top terrace.  This place is just lovely.  Almost makes up for the crazy stairs.

Anyway, I got my tour...she gave me the keys, I paid her money and she left me on my own with very good directions to a grocery store that is open on Sundays.   I unpacked, took a shower, goofed around a bit, then headed to the store for food.

Grocery shopping is an adventure when you can't understand the labeling on the packages.  I had to shop by photo most of the time.  Although, I quickly picked up that "biolagische" means "organic."  LOL

I just finished my dinner of yummie cheese, dark bread, and a couple of tomatoes.

And our very first photo of Amsterdam is CHEESE!  The yellow cheese on the left is a well-known Dutch artisan cheese - Beemster.  I got the Junge version, which isn't aged very it's very buttery and smooth with just a bit of sharpness to it.  The other is a similar cheese made of goats know how I love the goat!

I couldn't eat much and don't even feel much like desert (and I got chocolate and stroopwaffeln!). The sun is still up and bright but I'm going to turn in very soon.  It's still pretty busy around here though so there is some noise.  Earlier, the guy downstairs had some friends over to watch football (soccer) and it didn't sound like The Netherlands were winning.  I heard similar sounds coming from bars as I walked past to go grocery shopping.

The section I'm staying in here in Amsterdam is De Pijp, which is the Latin Quarter.  Very hip and trendy with lots of shopping, eateries and bars (which apparently are open on Sundays).  Kind of reminds me of the Village or South Street in Philly. Oh, and know...the "special" kind.  Got one two doors down here...LOL.

So the bars are called "cafes" and you go to coffehouses to smoke or ingest wacky weed...where do I get a cup of coffee around here?  Off to sleep on that thought.  Eyes are crossing now..nite 8:12PM local time

1 comment:

  1. Mmm, cheese. Glad you're having a good time there, it's on my list for the future. I agree whole-heartily on the extra legroom for Economy Plus being worth it.
